FAQ’s in Planning Your First Natural Birth: What You’ll Want to Know
Here are answers to questions from moms planning their first natural birth!
Your Wedding Photography: Why It Matters Most on Your Wedding Day
Let this Lancaster, Pennsylvania wedding photographer explain why she believes that wedding day photography matters the most on your big day!
Tips for Dads in Delivery Rooms: How to Support Your Wife
Having natural births was a decision my husband and I made that we don’t regret! These are tips for dads in delivery rooms from his firsthand experience.
A Birth Photographer's Home Birth Story
After two easy natural births, I feared that this would be the wild card. See how this nervous birth photographer went through with a natural home birth.
Natural Birth at Birth Center – Lancaster, Pennsylvania
This birth was one of my favorites. The mom was a beautiful example of how primal and amazing a natural birth at a birth center can be.