Natural Birth at Birth Center – Lancaster, Pennsylvania
When I think back on this particular birth story, I remember how anxious I was. I arrived at Birth Care, a birth center in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania about 30 minutes before the mother. I was nearly shaking with excitement and anticipation of what was to come! Fortunately, the mom and her support team (midwife, nurse, dad, doula) were way more calm than I was. When Sarah arrived, she was calm, smiling, and everyone with her was positive and reflected the happy excitement of the hour, regardless of it being 10:30 pm. This beaming mother totally set the tone for a natural birth at this Lancaster County birth center.
Weeks before her birth night, I met with Sarah, her kids, and her doula at a nearby park. I brought my own kids and while they played together we spoke of her previous natural birth experiences and her plans for this one. Sarah also shared that this was their last baby, and they decided to not find out the gender. We both knew that the moment of discovering the gender would be an exciting one!
One of the clever ways this couple made it through this natural birth was pulling out a deck of cards and playing Sarah’s favorite game: Kings. With the lights low and the oil diffuser steaming, they played through the night. I even played a few rounds along with them since Sarah sweetly insisted!
Throughout the night I stood behind my camera in awe of Sarah. With each contraction she endured–this mom amazed me. Sarah fell into a zone of still, quiet focus. She maintained a deep trance of learned relaxation even though the stings of each contraction showed all over her stomach and in the veins on her face. Sarah and her husband benefited greatly from pain management techniques learned in HypnoBirthing natural birth classes that they took in preparation for this night.
Any mother who has given birth knows how nearly impossible it is to maintain this type of focus and calm. I was also particularly in awe of the gentle support Sarah's husband, Dan, was throughout the evening. During each contraction, he didn't take his eyes off of her! He watched with concern knowing that with each surge he was moments closer to meeting his baby. Dan spoke sweetly to her in her moments of intense focus, reassuring Sarah of her strength and how amazing she is.
This birth was one of my favorites because of the positive experience mom had during the whole of the laboring. Sarah stood out to me as a beautiful example of how primal and amazing birth can be. Also, how it’s available for moms who practice and work hard to complete their dream of an unmedicated, natural birth.
Sarah labored leaning on her husband, then moved into the relaxing warmth of the Jacuzzi tub that the birth center offered. Once she was nearing transition, Sarah labored from her hands and knees on the bed. After a few steady pushes, their baby came out and was passed back through Sarah’s legs and into her arms. Seconds later they learned that this would be their fourth son. A boy! Dan’s reaction was priceless–complete disbelief and overwhelming joy! (keep scrolling)
Their long-awaited period of skin to skin contact started with dad while mom passed the placenta. Once mom was ready, they decided to see if their baby boy was ready to latch which he quickly did. The three of them snuggled effortlessly in the bed and breathed in the scent of their newborn son.
A little while later, the nurse came in and took the baby's vitals and stats while mom watched in awe of her newborn child who was in her body just an hour earlier! I left this happy family at 2:00 a.m. which had me there for just under four hours. It’s my goal to capture the true emotions of the night: the focus, the positive energy, the love connection, the enlightenment, and joy. After that, I leave the couple to bond with their newborn miracle!
I can’t wait to be a part of your birth story!