Natural Birth: Myths, Definitions & How I Define It
There is empowerment in knowledge and with that a beautiful birth story can be written. Here’s a summary of the best natural birth definitions and explanations of myths!
Why Birth & Newborn Photography Make the Best Pairing
I love being a part of a family’s story through different life events. Here’s why I always recommend doing birth AND newborn photography in celebration of your new family member!
best natural birth techniques: the bradley method
The primary tip I received in preparation for my natural birth was taking birth classes. Here’s why I would HIGHLY recommend The Bradley Method techniques for a natural birth!
Newborn lifestyle photo prep tips for moms
There’s nothing I want more during your photo session than for you to be totally engrossed in your precious newborn. Here are my best newborn lifestyle photo tips!
reasons why I’m a natural birth advocate
I’ve had three successful natural births and been an advocate for natural birth ever since my first one. Here are the many reasons why I’m an advocate for natural birth!