reasons why I’m a natural birth advocate
First of all, let me say that becoming a natural birth advocate all started with my own personal experience. I’ve had three successful natural births and been an advocate for natural birth ever since my first one. It’s what I know best! As I’ve built my experience and exposure to the natural birthing world, there is now so much more depth to the “why” behind my natural birth passion. Here are the many reasons why I’m an advocate for natural birth!
Natural Birth–Why I Recommend It
During my teen years, I remember looking up natural remedies to get rid of my sinus infections. I was tired of the after-effects of antibiotics and was looking for an alternative. Once I saw that positive pink line on the pregnancy test, I knew then that I would want to try for a natural birth as well.
But, this inclination wasn't without fear. I was TERRIFIED. How would I survive one of the hardest, most painful moments a woman encounters, and do it naturally? So, how does one get to have a natural birth, it's not guaranteed. I went to my older Sister. For her, (who had three successful natural births), her first piece of advice was very clear. She said, “If you really want to plan for a natural birth, you must educate yourself–don't be naive.”
How I Felt Ready for My Natural Birth
I believe the biggest mistake mom’s new to natural birth can make is going into it blind. You must plan and prepare to make your birth seamless because it requires relying upon laboring skills that you may not be accustomed to using. This is especially true if you are switching from a medicated birth to a non-medicated birth.
“I believe the biggest mistake mom’s new to natural birth can make is going into it blind.”
My sister’s first suggestion in preparing for a natural birth was taking The Bradley Birth Method classes. These are natural birth classes that prepare you to walk through your pregnancy and birth in the most natural way possible! My husband and I learned in this course to peacefully approach labor by resting, eating, and preparing for the marathon that lies ahead. The tools we learned were so invaluable to all three of my natural births!
The Most Natural Thing You Can Do
I believe that giving birth is one of the most beautiful, and natural things a woman’s body can do. A natural birth can be such a beautiful, positive, experience that doesn't have to leave you scarred either physically or emotionally. From my own personal experience, and from what I’ve witnessed as a birth photographer, I’ve learned the following truth: a natural birth leaves an imprint on your heart and mind that affects you positively for the rest of your life.
We Are Created in God’s Image
Since I believe that we are created in the image of God, I am therefore pro-life. Being a natural birth advocate is a perfect extension of that belief. One that holds to all human life mattering because we were created in God's image.
Giving Birth Is Empowering
For a woman, the act of giving birth is an empowering experience. The power to choose how your birth plan goes is more so in your hands with this kind of birth. Today, the eyes of mothers and fathers are being opened to the understanding that what medically happens to your body is your own choice. This includes your baby and how your baby is born.
Medical Interventions Are Not Always Safe
Full disclosure, I cannot speak for a medicated birth, because I've never had one. But, I have seen its effects on other women which has me convinced that natural is THE way to go. According to the latest data, traditional medical interventions and hospitals no longer hold to the highest safety standards. Unfortunately, maternal death rates in the US are more than double the rates when stacked up against other first-world countries. Additionally, infant mortality rates in the US rank at 33 out of 36 countries, 36th being Mexico. The BIG question here that we must begin to ask is WHY is this happening?
I’m for Moms First and Foremost
It’s important to note that I believe every woman who has gone through labor, medicated or unmedicated, knows the pain of childbirth. As moms coming from different birth experiences, we’re not against one another, we are for each other. If you hear nothing else, listen to this: there needs to be more understanding and education behind labor.
The point here is that although natural births can all fall under some general guidelines and definitions–a natural birth is specific to you. It’s whatever you make it, according to your own personalized birth plan. There are so many versions of natural births including home births, birth center births, water births, natural births in hospitals, etc. Your birth plan is wholly your own!
Your best resource for planning your own natural birth is in speaking with another woman who has done it and then making your own choices. The more you educate yourself, the more you may realize how much of an advocate for natural birth you already are!
Looking for a mom who has some natural birth experience both in front of and behind the camera? I’m happy to talk all about it!
Here are Some Resources I Recommend When Planning a Natural Birth:
Birth Resources for Parents
The Natural Resources All Families Foundation
The Business of Being Born Documentary
The Ultimate List of Resources for Natural Childbirth Preparation
The best source is a close friend who had a natural birth! Interview her and ask about her experience!