If you’re anything like me…
…being pregnant feels an awful lot like dressing a penguin.
Your skin has stretched. Your adolescence acne decided to come back. You can’t for the life of you find shoes to fit your swollen feet… the last thing you want is photos of yourself.
Oh lovely mama, if this is you reading this, I can’t tell you how wrong you are.

You are the very essence of true beauty.
You are a goddess to your husband, your hair and body have that pregnancy glow, you are making a human inside you.
YOU are lovely.
This season is so important to document; it will quickly pass and be forgotten. But the love between your stretch marks and the way that your husband see’s the mother of his child – these are some of the sweetest images of your life.
Even though I was excited for photos, I was not feeling confident or even comfortable in my own skin... Enter Christy - the master. Not only did she make me feel comfortable enough to enjoy the session. When she sent the photos, it was instant tears of gratitude. I never felt beautiful during my pregnancy but somehow she managed to show me a beauty that I was unable to see myself.
– mel blatherwick